Why Immigrate to Australia?
To many people who are contemplating immigrating from Russia or other countries, Australia is not always a place they have considered.
But there are many great reasons to choose Australia as a place to make your permanent home.
Generally, the first places potential Russian migrants think of are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, or perhaps Germany. This is because of their popularity historically as destinations for Russian emigres, and also because there is so much promotion of these places.
Australia as a destination for immigration seems too hard for a number of reasons. Just a few of these are:
- too far away
- too hot
- Strange and unfamiliar customs.
In fact, most of these reasons are totally unfounded.
- Being so far away from political “hot spots” means a safer place to live.
- Australia enjoys all types of climates: tropical, sub-tropical, temperate, and even alpine snow.
- Australia is welcoming of new citizens, and the way of life is easy and less stressful that you could imagine.
Australia is one of the most desirable places in the world to live. It is blessed with an abundance of resources and a stable economy. If you have the right qualifications, there could be no better place for you to build a future for yourself and your family.
The Australian government has programs and policies in place to assist successful immigration applicants settle into their new home.
Due to the current mining and resources boom, Australian companies are especially interested in attracting highly skilled workers. Russian engineers and other specialists in mining and related industries have been successful in finding jobs in Australia.
Immigration Agents
If you need assistance in immigration matters, here are some immigration agents that can help you make the move from Russia to Australia.
Ms Yulia Moiseeva
Migration Agent Registration Number: 1066715
For advice and assistance on all matters related to immigration to Australia, contact Yulia
Mr Viktor Ovcharenko MARN 0964258 Registered Migration Agent
Providing migration advice on skilled, business, family and student migration. Free Visa Assesment. Review applications, including Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), Migration Review Tribunal (MRT), Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT) www.reality-maker.com е-mail: immigration@reality-maker.com
tel: +(617) 33956281 (Australia, Queensland, Brisbane) working hours 08.00 – 22.00. GTM +10)
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